"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Well Mr.Shakespeare, I am not sure everyone agrees with you.
From the time I started blogging which I thought are my stupid thoughts, :) the few people who started reading it, started commenting about the name. Don't call it stupid. Well i never bothered to change it, cos i write so little and so inconsistently. But when suddenly i got 3 requests (or threats) from my friends on changing the name on the same day, well may be I ought to listen to them. I don't want to reduce my reader's list from 10 to 7.
Another thought that went through my head was, when parents name their kid, some do a lot of research or get suggestions from friends or decide to give the baby a suited name. Others just give them some name. My blog got the second deal. And as an arrogant parent i thought, well he got a name - he won't change it. Times are changing and kids if they don't like their name will change it themself.
So here it goes.... i have rechristened my blog. My dear blog, you are no longer stupid...