Friday, December 12, 2008

New obsessions....

Watching the show Monk regularly made me realize something. I have something in common with Mr.Monk. OCD - Obsessive compulsive disorder, only that I don't consider this as a disorder. I just wonder why the other people don't have these obsessions. When tedka tagged me to write down 5 addictions of life, I was thinking for a few days. I couldn't get passed my #1 addicition in life and this might be the strangest - obsession.

My obsessions include
  1. obsession for zeros - money in bank need to be like 1000, 1500 etc. I hate to have 1513.12 left in my account, I have to rearrange it so that it becomes filled with zeroes.
  2. obsession to keep doing some trivial tasks like correcting mp3 tags of my 12GB song collection, arranging my photo albums. I know everone does this, but only that I can't stop till wifey points out the time I have been doing this.
  3. obsession for researching and experimenting with my gadgets - Any new item I buy (sometimes even old ones I just pick up), I can't help but keep exploring it. Be it tearing apart old laptops, reinstalling OS or experimenting with my latest obsessions - my new camera, Amazon Kindle or iPhone3G and all the iPhone Apps.
  4. and many many more........

So much about my OCD, back to the list. My top 5 addictions of life
  1. Obsession
  2. Good Food - If I start listing them one by one, you will be reading this for days. But let's just say, I love good food.
  3. Big Picture - Most people who have worked with me have one big complaint - This guy asks too many questions. I love to get the big picture of things, even though it is none of my business.
  4. Seinfeld - TV Sitcoms in general like Everbody loves Raymond, Friends and reality shows like Survivor, Amazing race is in the list. But Seinfeld has a special place - I cannot switch channels when that guy is on TV, even though I have watched that episode n times and even though I have the complete DVD set with me.
  5. Science Fiction / Fantasy movies & novels - From an oscar worthy Lord of the rings to the vampire flicks like Underworld, from science fiction classics like Bladerunner to stupid movies like Aeon Flux, I can't help it, I have to watch it.
So now I have to tag 5 people? I usually don't forward any chain mails, but this looks like fun. So here you go - you guys have been tagged.
  1. Vini
  2. Vidhatri
  3. Poonaji
  4. Fareen
  5. Alco


Anonymous said...

Psst Aneesh I think the whole concept of tags was started with the intention of blogrolling - so you might want to link the guys you tagged - its a kind of publicity stunt. And its not spam so no question of forwarding.

And I like your obsession list- looks like your obsessions give you all the knowledge you will need!

Aneeshji / അനീഷ്ജി said...

Done deal. Put the links to keep the blogrolling.

Sashi said...

Dude does your obsession includes obsessive blogging :-)

Tedy Kanjirathinkal said...

:-) aneeshae, neeyum "pavanaayi" aayi allae..????!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Aneeshji I have tagged you :-)